
About discovering home (po anglicky)

Oblasť: Vzdelávanie, Ľudia a národnosti, Dobrovoľníci

Dĺžka videa: 6:39

Claudia is young woman from Spain, who participated in Youth Exchange “Living Library as a tool to eliminate extreminsm among youth“ in July 2018. Her video was made as a part of workshop There is hidden story behind every human, in which all participants were discovering their topics for sharing their story in written and spoken storytelling form. Claudias topic is about her experiences living abroad and discovering home. You can find her written story as well as the stories of other participants of the Youth Exchange in Ebook “There is hidden story behind every human“ on 

  • - Who is Claudia?
  • - How was your life influenced while living abroad?
  • - How do you make decisions when you feel less in control?
  • - How are the differences between Spanish and Scottish culture?
  • - So we can say that Scotland helped you to discover your home?

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